City Software: Online Business Licensing and Tax Software

Looking for City Software for online Business licensing and tax software? Citizenserve offers: Government tax software, Transient Occupancy Tax Software, TOT Software, Taxpayer Monthly Tax Reporting, Excise Tax Software, City Sales Tax Software, Importing State Tax Reports, Metrics Pending License Reviews, Cannabis Tax Software, California Business Licensing Software, NAICS Codes, Liquor License Software and more in a configurable fully supported community development software suite. Request a live demo today!

Online Planning and Zoning Software

Demonstration of planning and zoning software features in Citizenserve. Development software for planning department requirements. Submitting online application from Citizen Portal. Pre-application conference, development plan application, development review meeting, plan review, automatic notifications, parent parcel and child parcel tracking, parcel splits, proximity notices, agendas and minutes, standing conditions, parcel conditions and conditions for stops or warnings.