What is Online Permitting Software?
More than a fillable pdf, and light years beyond a paper form, online building permit software offers configurable online applications, offers online payment processing, automatic workflow routing, easy resubmittals, downloadable permit cards, and a citizen portal to track project status. With all of these options, it's easy to see why your government should implement online permitting software. But in case you need more details, here are some key benefits:
1. Save Time - for Constituents and Staff
- An online portal allows online permit submission from anywhere. Whether from a property owner's home or a contractor's office, online submittals save them both the time and gas required to make a trip into the office.
- Automated review routes handle consecutive or concurrent reviews. When one task is complete, the next task or tasks in the workflow get triggered automatically. And when staff are on vacation, tasks are easily re-assigned, so work won't languish in an inbox.
- Online messaging allows quick clarification from constituents to staff, and quick answers between staff.
- Once approved, permits can be printed from home!
2. Increase Collaboration and Data Sharing
- Online building permit software brings your processes into the digital age, helping silo'd departments share their work processes with the whole organization.
- When part of an integrated community development software suite, data sharing between departments becomes a breeze. With integrated business license software, the licensing department can verify permits before issuing a business license. With an online code enforcement software system, violations added to the parcel record are seen by Building and Business licensing. And with online planning and zoning software, projects flow seamlessly from pre-application conference, to subdivision application and approval, to building permit issuance.
- Staff and management have oversight of the project review process. It's easy to see project status by who has and has not completed their review tasks.
- Plus, configurable metrics provide additional overview of all municipal projects
3. Standardize Work Processes
- Configurable and automated workflow routes provide a standard process for all permit types.
- A flexible online permitting software system will also allow infrequent tasks to be added to the standard workflow, or allows multiple workflow routes to be defined for each permit type.
- Citizens can track the status of their project through the online citizen portal.
- Staff and constituents gain confidence when they see a defined workflow process consistently applied through the system.
4. Increase Transparency
- As cited above, your online permitting software for governments should include a citizen portal, to help keep your citizen in the loop on their project's status or any roadblocks.
- Flexible report writing provides your constituents, management, and higher level government offices with the information they need.
- With integrated tools, your silo'd departments have access to related applications, projects, and issues on a property or contact.
- Internal messaging makes communication a breeze.
Ready to See How citizenserve Can Help?
Citizenserve's community development software offers solutions for permitting software, business licensing software, planning and zoning software, code enforcement software, request tracking software and more.
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